blogging so much because my life is so fascinating lately! right? yeah, don't answer that. really it's just because there are a lot of Things going on, lots of changes and new projects, that i'm photographing (well, if you can call them "photographs") and want to remember later.
here is this morning's not-very-tasty-but-good-for-me-so-i-finished-it-anyway spinach juice thing:
a lovely color of green and not terrible tasting but definitely not something i'm going to look forward to for the next 18 days or whatever it is. but good for me! and i like to do things that are good for me.
also today i got most of the way through the muslin for my laura skirt. i'd have finished the muslin and maybe even gotten the real fabric cut out if it hadn't been for those meddling kids. i mean if i hadn't needed to come upstairs to look up how to do gathering stitches. that's a thing that cal patch thought i knew, which i don't. i mean, i know about them like i know about driving stick shift: i get it in theory but god help me if i try to put it into practice. at least i can't kill anybody with gathering stitches (as far as i know). anyway, progress shots:
first task of the day was to sew together the ends of the yokes (one outside yoke and one facing yoke). but, being the super sleuth that i am, i noticed immediately that the ends of my front and back yoke pieces weren't the same depth, which would look funny. so i marked and trimmed off half an inch from the bottom of the back yoke pieces and the corresponding pattern piece.
have i mentioned that i really love my rotary cutter? love it. it's magical.
next task was to sew the outside yoke pieces to the upper edge of the skirt pieces. i made this more difficult than it needed to be because i started out pinning the wrong edge of the yoke pieces to the skirt edge, but i figured it out before i did any sewing. also i drew no blood, so that's a plus. i didn't do a terrible job, but i did have a tiny unintended dart
where i failed to ease the curves together. this task involves sewing together two curves that are mirror images of one another, which is trickier than it sounds, at least for a novice like me.
i also accidentally sewed the skirt seam allowance closed
which is *definitely* something that i would take out and redo if this were the real skirt. on the muslin, i'm not sweating it, but i did take photos of my mistakes so i'd remember and learn from them.
the next task was to sew the yoke facing to the outside yoke, which was relatively untraumatic. so no photos of that. bonus: still no blood.
spoiler alert: no blood drawn all day. i'm still awake for another five hours or so, but i don't expect to be handling any sharp objects. so unless jack-jack plays roughly with me between now and then, probably i won't have bled on anything. and that's a pretty good day, in my book.
but i digress: after sewing the outside yoke to the skirt and the yoke facings to the outside yoke, then it's time to flip the facings to the inside and attach them. this covers the seam that joins the outside yoke to the skirt and adds some stability at the waist. i think. anyway, this part was fun, but i still managed to do a not-very-good job.
i skipped the basting and went straight from pinning (shown here) to sewing. that's mainly because basting falls into the same category as driving stick shift and sewing gathering stitches. so i'll be looking that up tonight, too. (really? she wants me to pull out a hand needle and thread for this part? am i in prehistoric times or something?)
i did okay with this part. after the pinning (and, in theory or if you're a Good Sewist, the basting), you edge stitch the waist and the yoke part you just pinned. you're doing it from the public side of the skirt, which means that you can't see all the pinning you just did or the way the folded yoke facing meets the seam. which is *probably* why she wanted me to baste that beforehand.
whatever. i do what i want.
(i know that at least one friend is laughing right now because she knows that i am a goody two shoes who follows the rules. i do feel guilty as hell about it, if that helps. i'll be doing it correctly for the real skirt.)
so. anyway. i didn't screw it up too badly, but i sewed a dart down in the wrong direction (again, something i'd fix in the real fabric but not an issue for the muslin):
but overall it's not awful.
and, to finish the seams, i tried a couple of the stitches on my machine:
(insert "I have no idea what I'm doing" meme here.)
the zigzag stitch is the one i'll try to use, but wider and more carefully, i think. no idea what the other one is. go home, sewing machine; you're drunk.
so at the end of the day, this is what i have:
front of skirt, with ruffle piece waiting to be sewn on, and
back of skirt. the ruffle is one strip of fabric, 50 percent longer than the hem sweep plus seam allowances, sewn into a circle. now i just have to figure out the gathering business and attach it. and then i get to work on the real skirt!
i rewarded myself for my productive afternoon with a yummy dinner of quinoa, adzuki beans, kale, and pineapple-mango salsa.
(the quinoa and beans are under there, i swear.) and i'll have an apple later with some almond butter. the quinoa was already cooked from day 1 breakfast, and the beans already rinsed from the day 1 smoothie, so this was super easy to throw together. nommy.
oh, and my PSA of the day: turn on the air conditioning if it's hot. i've been sewing in our dining room, which is on the first floor and therefore not air conditioned, and i was cranky and woozy and tired all day yesterday. today, i flipped on the room air conditioner in there and was happy as a clam. a sew-y little clam.
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